Saturday, January 30, 2010


"Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Revelation 7:16-17

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blind Ambition...

This is a blind widow who lives at our home. She makes gorgeous baskets. The first time I witnessed this, it amazed me. How does she do it? I have sat for long periods of time just watching her. It finally occurred to me she was working off experience …she didn’t need to see what she was doing. It was second nature to her …she trusted her hands to do what they always had. Why can’t I have such faith in my experience with God? I’ve seen Him in action. He’s proven time and time again that He’s faithful. The story of the Exodus always amazes me. I find myself questioning the sanity of the Israelites …how could they possibly doubt God? How could they so quickly forget what He had just done for them? If God parted the waters right before my eyes I’d never doubt again!!!… or would I? God has parted the seas for me …God has done miracles in my life …God has never broken a promise …God has never left me …He remains the same. My experience tells me that He will always provide, always make a way, always listen, always show up, always defend me and always love me. Why can’t I trust God to do what He always has? I’m no better than the Israelites. Maybe the blind widow trusts so much because she doesn’t need to see to believe…she feels the basket and knows that it is sturdy and beautiful. Maybe I’m too busy looking for God to show up …always wanting to see the miracle …always wanting to see the fruit of my labor. Instead of just trusting God’s hand. Knowing that He will make it sturdy and beautiful whether I ever see it or not! One of the most faith filled people I know is my friend Steve …who just happens to be blind. It was no accident that we crossed paths. I love that God teaches me to have better sight through those who can’t see.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am surrounded by reasons to praise Him.

Four more precious children have been released…. Nate, James, Mercy, and Isaiah passed court on January 12th… the whole process was done in God’s time. We have been praying for these children for quite some time. I am thrilled they will be home soon with their wonderful new family. You can witness God’s grace unfold this story on Tracy’s blog at .

“A” and “T” have also been released. Their journey has been long….the kind of journey that wears down the soles of one’s shoes… the kind that leaves you dusty and tired …the kind that leaves scars …real and emotional. They have waited too long… finally …prayers are answered …the process of their rescue has begun. These little boys carry more pain in their little hearts than mine could ever bare. Praise God they will go HOME soon.

Aliyah Beza and Joshua Cherinet have placed their feet on new soil…. Yes, it’s a new country …but more important, it’s a new life. One that offers a home, a Mom and Dad who love Jesus and adore their children …a life with plenty to eat, a bed to call their own, laughter, hugs, acceptance …a place where scars can heal and hope can grow. I love you both …you carry a piece of my heart …you have been blessed with AMAZING parents …you have also been set free and I know that you will never forget those who have not. God bless you Butler family!

My heart is burdened for praise …to praise Him more often and more intensely. I have joined the Gratitude Community …a place where many are coming together to give Intentional Thanks for One Thousand Gifts (and more) …I will journal mine and put them on my blog …if you’re interested just look on the left sidebar under Intentional Thanks...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where The Boys Are...

Our boys are 10, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2 and 3 months (not pictured)….I feel a bit like Michelle Duggar (love her) or my friend Laura M. (love her too)….boys are a bit foreign to my family, so I’ve had to adjust myself to the life of a boy. Constant running, jumping, flipping, climbing, kicking, karate chopping, mud making, bug squishing, fearless actions…..whew … a bit different from the nail polish, dolls, books, stuffed animals, baking and house playing that my family is more familiar with. Not to say that these things don’t occur in the lives of both …but they really are different. I am learning to embrace the difference and I’m happy to be where the boys are!

Boy [boy] v. A noise with dirt on it.

Friday, January 8, 2010


My Mom sent this little pack of paper ornaments. The children had a blast making their own creations…thought we needed a splash of color around here. Ethiopian Christmas was Thursday, January 7th…there were no decorations or even a tree…so I figured we would leave these hanging around. I went ahead and wrote their name and Ethiopia - Christmas 2009 on them….thinking they would make a neat keepsake on their American Christmas trees for years to come. Hope you're having a great day!

Note: I've been having serious internet if I'm not around...that's why.